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Open Source Tips Book

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The Internet is full of usefull resources around the OSS topic. Here’s my top list:

  1. Open Source from Community to Commercialization - it’s an epic blog post including the pros and cons of all possible OSS business models and how to navigate them. By teh way - the A16Z blog is pretty great resource on enterprise open source topics.

  2. 15,000 GH stars in a year: how we did it - a hands on guide from Medusa founders. Start with solving the problem that really hurts, built a delightfull developer experience, get the word out. It’s that simple! Details in the article!

  3. The Cathedral and the Baazar - it’s a pretty classic (2001? oldies but goldies) one getting reader for a journey of the OSS beginings; the best part for was the allegoric comparison between how the enterprise software (Catherdral) and OSS (Baazar) are built and made, explaining all the benefits and traps. I think nowadays these differences pretty often got blended for the mutual benefits of businesses and the communities.

  4. Crossing the chasm - This is a must-read for startups even though the book is on disruptive products. Your product development stage changes the way you communicate, set your roadmap and which groups of users you should listen to most. The “Chasm” is the gap between the first enthusiasts that downloaded your product, and the majority of pragmatic users willing to adopt it for daily business. I really liked the part about why some products “outmarket” the others, even though they might be technologically simpler or less feature rich.

  5. Escape velocity - Have you heard about “Category power”? Have you ever wondered why so many startups are now about “Blockchain” or “AI”? Why most of the new dev. frameworks are for JavaScript? Because these technologies have Category power. Any project in this category will grow because the whole Category is developing at a crazy pace. “ Escape velocity ” book brings some ideas on how to grow faster than your category, and how to get into the right one :)